

Acting under my authority as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska, I do hereby extend my order to cancel all lodge activities, including but not limited to all Regular and Special Communications of subordinate lodges, ritual practice, fund raising, and social events until June 1, 2020. The Supplemental Directions given on March 16, 2020 and March 30, 2020 remain in effect.This Edict will be reviewed regularly. If the state of emergency is lifted or recommendations of State or Federal substantially change, this Edict will be revisited and updated as required.As with Edict No. 1, this decision was made with the utmost consideration for the safety and health of our brethren, their families, and our communities. Please continue to pray for those afflicted, their families and caregivers, those responding to and treating the afflicted, and the local, State, and Federal officials.

Fraternally yours,
Ronald D. Stites
Grand Master

The full GM Edict Document can be read here.